Aspiration Statement
I am inclined towards a research and teaching career. I also want to pursue my postgraduate studies in Physics, particularly in the area of Astrophysics focused on machine learning to make inferences about the universe.
Core Skills
- C++
- Python
- Deep Learning
- Modern Physics
- GPU Computing
Academic Awards / Achievements
- HU TOPS Scholar (Habib University's Talent Outreach, Promotion and Support Program)
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Google's Hashcode 2021, 3238th/10000 Place Worldwide
- 2nd Place Nationwide, ICPC Regionals 2020
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Research Assistant - Habib University (Jun 2022 - Present)
- Teaching Assistant — Habib University (January 2022 — April 2022)
- Course Mentor, GANs Specialization — DeepLearning.Al (December 2021 — January 2022)
- Backend Developer — Zido Inc (July 2021— August 2021)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Developed a Ray tracer in C++ in Computer Graphics CS440 course. See website https://habib-university.github.io/CG-team-vector-showcase
Final Year Project
Project Title
Compression Based Perceiver
We propose a novel architecture for computer vision problems, building up from Google DeepMind's Perceiver and our research question is to evaluate the performance of the Perciever Architecture for classification when it is passed a latent representation of the image as an input. Our hypothesis is that the architecture will be independent of the input data-representation (adaptable to not just the images but also point clouds, audios, videos etc.) and will be many times more resource optimized than its predecessor's architecture, the Perceiver, while still maintaining comparable accuracy metrics.